shade sails are recommended for outdoor and special shading devices . They offer ideal solutions for shade gardens , courtyards , patios and is easy to install and clean. They can be used in both permane
nt and temporary installations. They have great durability and the
requirements of external sites, and it is available with a seven-year warranty. OPEN BEZEinai made of 100 % yarn HDPE, specially treated to retard the spread of fire in the event , offering up to 95 % protection from the rays of UV, while breathing , thus reducing the temperature in the space kalyptoIMG_20131029_191036yn . Available ready- packed in various scheIMG_2013
1029_191100dia and sizes and can be placed by the same customer or from our company , as appropriate . The moveable and anoigoptyssomena trellis system combined with matching Canvas island aesthetic with references to seam
anship and coastal life of Greece . Applicable to Coast Mediterranean architectural resistant perforated polyethylene technoufasmata seven security.